
Showing posts from October, 2021

Session Report: Deep Carbon Observatory in Dolmenwood Pt 1

Introduction The group I've put together for this B/X campaign (a combination of Old-School Essentials and Lamentations of the Flame Princess) is filled with several players who are new to RPGs. I first ran for them the Ravenloft module Night of the Walking Dead. Once it was clear the group was going to stick together and we wanted to keep playing long-term I decided to put them into a setting I was excited by and to start seeding the setting with old-school adventures I had been wanting to run. The setting I picked was Dolmenwood (by Gavin Norman, author of Old-School Essentials). Their first foray into the setting was the adventure Winter's Daughter which did an excellent job of introducing Dolmenwood. Once Winter's Daughter was finished and they spent some downtime in the settlement of Prigwort, they journeyed North to where I had placed the town of Carrowmore and the beginning to Deep Carbon Observatory. The River Journey We played several sessions that started with the...